Thursday, July 26, 2012

17 weeks 1 day

Today happens to be a great day for both Matt and I. Not only are we finding out the gender of the baby but today is our fourth wedding anniversary. So it is a great day for both of us. We will be posting later as to the gender of baby Wolfsfeld #2 and a full update of the PCOS and pregnancy.

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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Ultrasound at 14 weeks 2 days.

Here are my ultrasound pics from my Ultrasound on July 6, 2012 with baby measuring a day ahead.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

15 weeks

I'm reaching 15 weeks pregnant. In finally feeling better thankfully. I will be finding out what the baby's gender is in just a couple of weeks. I have energy to chase Ayden.
I haven't gained any weight with this pregnancy nor have I lost any. But I'm feeling great.

Now that I'm 15 weeks I will be able to keep up on the blog easier and better. Thank you for the patience that you have had.

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Monday, June 11, 2012

Just about 11 weeks

I'm almost 11 weeks pregnant and I'm very excited to get past this last milestone. This will be my last milestone which is I had lost a set of twins at 11 weeks. As soon as we get past this last milestone that I will be able to relax better the rest of the pregnancy.

On one hand the hyperemesis graviduram is somewhat under control. As long as I keep on top of my medications and fluids then I'm doing pretty good and able to take care of my son.

My favorite foods include watermelon, kiwi, strawberries and pretty much any fruit other then blueberries. I have another appointment with my OB on the 18th and I'll update again.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Dealing with pregnancy and birthdays

Well to start I'm excited that my beautiful son turned one today. I had his birthday party at Matt's parent's house. It was a lot of fun and was very relaxing. The really hard thing is that I am still dealing with HG. I have had a handle on it until yesterday when I went for an ultrasound on the baby to check on the little one. I sadly started throwing up on the bus. :( My wonderful family have been very helpful with everything. I actually did really well even through I was sick most of the day. I am proud of myself for making Ayden's cake. Ayden had so much fun and it was really nice to have all of our family and friends that could be there with us was wonderful.

I am currently 9 weeks 3 days pregnant. Baby looked really good. I am posting some pics of both the baby and of the famous smash cake that I made for Ayden.

The photo above is of baby #2 Wolfsfeld at 9 weeks 2 days on 06/01/2012

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

8 weeks 6 days

Here I am right about to hit 9 weeks pregnant. The Hyperemesis Graviduram seems to be behaving itself finally. I am currently on 2 different Zofrans, 2 different Phenegran, B6 Vitamin, and Reglan currently. I am having more good days now thankfully. I saw Dr Monte back on the 22nd and was put of bed rest for 2 weeks for spotting. The 14th I had an ultrasound and the baby is growing and heart was beating at 160 bpm. That made me so excited to see that. So we will see him on the 18th again. I think I will be asking for another ultrasound since I'm still spotting. Other then that I have only gained 2 pounds but am quickly losing that since it's pretty much just water weight. The hardest thing that I am going through is not picking up Ayden. It seems to make the spotting worse. Hopefully I will be off bed rest soon.

BPM= Beats Per Minute

Please help

I know that this blog I started was to be about my journey with PCOS and pregnancy. I also have a very very close friend who has a daughter just 6 days younger then Ayden. My heart breaks everyday for her. Her daughter Calypso has SMA. And has been told that she won't make it long due to this condition. We are trying to help her as much as we can where she is states way. Please help.

It is hard to believe the difference between the two. On one hand Ayden is a healthy active little boy and on the other hand my friend is dealing with being a single mom to this beautiful little girl. Yes, Calypso has a special need but no doubt in my mind that she is beautiful. I am hoping that the research that is going on will save little Calypso's life. I hate to see how much this is hurting her wonderful and strong mom. Please again help with even a tiny donation. At this time anything will help. Donations are accepted at Wells Fargo under Calypso Vander Velden Medical Fund.

Thank you for taking this time and reading and watching the video.
Christina, Matt and Ayden

SMA=Spinal Muscular Atrophy